Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Period 7 Frankenstein Questions Week of 4/25

Chapter 5: How does Frankenstein react to what he has done? What does this tell us about him?

Chapter 6: What does Elizabeth convey in her letter to Victor? What studies do Henry and Victor pursue together? How has Victor's mood changed? What are their plans before they return home?
Chapter 7: Who does Frankenstein think committed the murder he hears about from his father and why? Why doesn't he tell anyone?

Please respond to these questions and respond to one other student directly!

25 points!

M. Breen


  1. Chapter 5:
    Frankenstein addresses what he has done in a horrified manner because he views his creation as an adomination and regrets creating such a monster. He intentionally runs away from what he has created.

  2. Chapter 6:
    Elizabeth expresses her concern about Victor's health as well as giving him the news that his mother has passed away,and that Justine has returned to his family's home after the death of his mother. Henry and Victor study oriental languages. Victor's mood changes because he is overwelmed and paranoid all the time. Before Victor returns home, he and Henry explore the country side taking in nature. Victor also awaits for a letter from his father letting him know when he can return home.

  3. Chapter 7:
    Victor believes that his creation was the one responsible for the murder of his younger brother William. He does not reveal to anyone the reason why he believes that Justine is inocent because he fears that they will believe him insane.

  4. Tiffanie will be the only student to receive the 25 points if no one else responds by 5pm.

    This will be a 0/25

  5. Chapter 5- Frankenstein is disgusted by his creation. It wasn't how he thought it would be.

    Chapter 6- Elizabeth is concerned by Victor's health and that he hasn't contacted his family in a long time. Henry and Victor both study languages. Victor's mood changed as being very sorrowful and the want to be alone. This has cause him to be very sick. Their plans are to travel around the town and embrace nature.

    Chapter 7- Frankenstein thinks the creature committed the murder. He doesn't tell anyone because that is his creation and he feels responsible.

    @Tiffanie- I agree with what Tiffanie said in response to question seven but also want to add that he also didn't want to tell anyone because he feels responsible. He created the creature so he feels that he is the true murderer.

  6. Damn, only Tiffanie and Chaneli replied :/
